Heart and flames.

In Christian circles, the heart is a symbol of charity or Christian love. When the heart is combined with fire it symbolizes zeal and fervor for carrying out works of charity to our neighbor. Acts 2 shows practical examples of how this works itself out in the Christian church. Acts 2 pounces on the scene, unexpected and astounding. The believers were different.  They stood out so much that others took notice of their love and commitment.  It reminds me of a common Christian hymn: “They Will Know We Are Christians By Our love.” When others see how we interact with one another, what clues do they gather about our allegiance to Christ Jesus and his crew?

Acts 2:42-47 states, “And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.”

As you and I take a close look at this text, we see some fine, exemplary living. These Jesus followers were devoted to the preaching of the Word of God. They were devoted and committed to spending valuable time with other believers. This became their pleasure. They had great desire to share time and meals and prayers with their fellow believers. 

Beyond this, they started to take stock of their possessions and see where and how they could bless someone else who was not as well off as them. They saw believers as family and sought to help any who had need.  What was theirs by profession or business, by inheritance are sweat equity, was now being shared with others who were without the basic necessities of life. They embraced the idea of helping without the use of forced political systems. This was a real and impenetrable desire that rose up in them - not forced, not coerced, not threatened into existence but growing naturally from the Spirit’s communication of the Savior’s eternal love for humanity.

Real change and real dedication became the hallmark of their existence. Outsiders noticed and became curious. They now found generosity to be their greatest newsflash. They loved because they now knew that Jesus had first shown immense love for them.

Why? Because that is how real change happens in humanity. When I initially read this text (Acts 2:42-47) it drives me with legal intensity to demand this of myself and of others. After all, shouldn’t we be kind and nice and generous? That is what we are supposed to do. But such legalistic demands NEVER change us on the inside. Set up programs to give away wealth and the human mind will either scheme how to keep it or how to gain accolades from giving it away. These believers wanted neither. They swam in the Holy Spirit’s life giving trance. They knew deeply that this life was temporary and that all they had was given to them by God so that they could show love to others. They desired to help rather that feigning generosity. Their spirit and their heart was adjusted, not by the law but by grace.

The same change happens today when God the Holy Spirit convinces us of the place we have in God’s heart. When we see what our destination was (hell and destruction) and discover that Jesus’ sacrifice has brought us to a vastly different end game (eternal paradise in the presence of a loving, doting Heavenly Father) then our hearts are either convinced of this truth and we live for God and others OR our hearts are stunned, perplexed and doubtful of such good news. In the latter case, we unwittingly reject what God so richly desires to give us: permanent citizenship at his Son’s expense.

So, please read Acts 2:42-47 once more or even twice. But now read it through the lense of the Power that flashed through each believer’s heart and mind so that real and steadfast change would take place in each of the believers. It was uncoerced, undaunted, unsolicited; it was natural because it came from God through the Holy Spirit and the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Be blessed, children of God.

Allen Schleusener