Deeper Hurt.

Sometimes we can get hung up on the wrong point, the wrong emphasis or the wrong question and those consequences of distraction take us away from the main point God and His Word are trying to make. As we consider the timeless truths and applications of The Holy, Perfect, Wise Father in Heaven in relation to relationships (Marriage in particular) we get to let God’s Word of Truth sink into our thoughts and understanding. It will uncover some things that we may not want to see, in fact, that is an inevitable part of searching out the perfect Law of God. But we also have an amazing Loving Father who sent His Son Jesus to cover every one of our filthy stains in His precious blood so that we can be forever relieved of our sin and our guilt; it is already removed from us and we are now righteous in God’s sight (2 Corinthians 5:21).

So let’s get to the distraction that may come around the commandment on marriage. God says, in basic terms, “Don’t commit adultery.” Behind and alongside of that command is the loving Heart of God who knows that the plummet into that sin and any sin will bring hurt, death, pain, and consequences that we really wouldn’t want. But there is also a problem that must be addressed: Just like Eve saw that the sin of defying God looked, “good” and was a “delight to the eye” and “desirable for gaining wisdom,” we are also going to be challenged by God’s perfect law because it will forbid things that look good, look like a delight and may even seem to be wise. But this infraction of God’s law and any of His laws brings in hurt.

Now to the distraction that may exist: Often this thought is brought to the table that every sin is a sin and every sin is on the same plane with other sins. So the sin of adultery, of homosexuality, or anything else that falls in the arena of sex, marriage, sexual identity, etc. is, by some, addressed as any other sin. In other words, the sin of lying is the same consequence as the sin of homosexuality or of distorting your gender for the sake of aligning with culture or emotions. So is that true that one sin is equal to another? Yes and No.

Yes, each sin, no matter if it is the sin of eating the wrong fruit or the sin of cheating on a test, the sin of speeding, the sin of an illicit affair . . . each sin is a sin. Each infraction of God’s law is so vile and evil that it plummets our souls into hell. The only solution for this eternal fall is to fix our eyes on Jesus who suffered Hell on our behalf. Everyone who trusts in Him will be saved and has already crossed over from death to life. One sin destroys our connection with God.

The distraction takes us away from a point that we will address using the Holy words of 1 Corinthians 6. God tells us, “Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against their own body” (1 Corinthians 6:18). There is something embedded in sexual sins that puts us into deeper hurt. This sin is a sin, not just against God or against another person, but indulging in this sin, we are hurting ourselves. “The sexually immoral person sins against their own body” (1 Corinthians 6:18).

Let’s consider that and again recognize that a loving God does not want us to be further hurt.

His forgiveness covers all my sin including sexual sin or sex related sins. But we also want the Holy Spirit’s powerful help to avoid those sins that are against our own body.

Thank you Lord Jesus for this insight and help. May your Spirit give us conviction and self-determination to follow you and live up to your Word. Amen.

Allen Schleusener