His Voice, My Name.
“To him the gatekeeper opens. The sheep hear his voice, and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out” (John 10:3).
What is it like to hear your name? When you are in a crowded room and you hear your name; what is it like? How does that sound to you? Do you wonder who else has your first name? Do you assume that the call is not for you?
Jesus knows your name and He calls out to His own; His own know Him and He calls their name.
A shepherd boy had his sheep confiscated during an escalated time of insurrection in the middle east. The complications of the protests dwindled and he went to the place of detainment for his sheep. The area contained thousands of sheep. The British army officer in charge of this huge detention center was impressed that such a young boy (in his teens) would have the confidence to address an army officer and demand the return of his sheep. But more stunning was the obvious complication of locating his dozen or so sheep in the midst of thousands.
The young lad was undeterred and gave a confident reply, “I know my sheep and my sheep know me.” This led the officer to whimsically allow the boy to “try” and re-gather his troupe of sheep. How could twelve or so sheep be discovered among the thousands scattered in the pens in front of him?
The boy walked up to the entrance of the large sheep pen and called out to the sheep. One by one the sheep were stirred and his dozen furry charges headed toward his voice. He regained all of his sheep. The sheep knew his voice and he knew his sheep.
In a world that is full of people, we might find ourselves greatly outnumbered and overwhelmed by the thought that we are only one among millions of people who live here. But take heart, your Good Shepherd knows you personally and even calls you by name. “The sheep hear his voice, and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out” (John 10:3).
You are not unknown in this vast world. You are never able to be dismissed when it comes to our Good Shepherd. He takes care of His sheep and you are one of His sheep. Faith in Jesus locks us into that eternal relationship with Him. We can take pleasure and have peace knowing that He knows us.