What is your reason?

What is your reason for being on planet earth? Why is it you exist as a Christian? Despite all the ways you and I might answer that question, the one that keeps rising to the surface the more I look at the Bible is . . . “to give glory to God.”  

So what does that mean? It means to display or show what is valuable and amazing about God. God purposely does not come out and display himself to the world. Even if he did show his glory in a small visible fashion, it would shock people—remember the reaction of the Jewish people at the base of Mount Sinai when God’s glory started to show itself in smoke and thunder and lightning? They were terrified. God has chosen us to display his glory.

We can do this when we use the gifts and talents he has given us to serve others. We can glorify God by seeing how he has instructed us to live as believers in a world that does not know Jesus. We can make God look good by loving the unlovable the way Jesus did. We can give glory to Jesus when we re-evaluate our lifetime goals and ardent habits—do they give glory to God? Do they make him look good? When I’m out in public, do my actions and the focus of my conversations make God look good or make him out to be a bigot, or an angry God, or harsh and unloving?

Dear follower of Jesus Christ, we are going to an amazing place called heaven because the Father in heaven wants us there and called us by an act of undeserved love. We are going there. Let’s live humble enough to admit when we don’t live like we are to live and then let’s ask God for forgiveness and power to live well, to live in a way that makes him look really good.

Blessings as you seek to glorify Jesus today!
Pastor Al