He Cannot Fail.

We’re called to be HOLY but fail. Jesus actually is HOLY; He cannot fail! 

When God the Father started the whole redemption story back in Genesis 3:15 (“He will crush your head”), there was never a moment of hanging in the balance and wondering if this plan was going to work. God starts something; anything, and it happens. God has a desire for light to exist and there is light. God desired that the ground produce vegetation (Genesis 1) and it happened. When God starts a process, it will be brought to completion.

At Christmas, we get to see God’s plan start to work itself out in seemingly breathtaking and astounding ways. A virgin will conceive? Yes! It happened. He will be called a Nazarene and also be born in Bethlehem? God made them both happen. God designs the whole salvation story from front to back and Jesus being born is one amazing step that happens because God had it in mind.

All this is meant to give us confidence and a sense of peace. At Christmas, listen to each word of Scriptures and hear how God’s plan is specifically orchestrated step by step. Each desire of God the Father IS carried out so that we can have the assurance of eternal salvation. Jesus IS Holy - He cannot fail!

May that fill you with Peace and Joy at this time of year.

Allen Schleusener