
“The LORD by wisdom founded the earth; by understanding he established the heavens;” (Proverbs 3:19).

Wisdom is the use of information and true knowledge for sound judgment. If I apply insight on a matter and make certain determinations, take next steps, and build on this advice, then what comes out of the process will be better than if I had ignored this wisdom. How often has the human frame taken steps forward only to find that they have actually been two steps back? Wisdom has the ability to aid us in avoiding that calamity.

According to Proverbs 3:19, it is by the use of wisdom that God established the earth. He was not haphazard in determining the layout of oceans and continents. He applied sound judgment to the placement of the Sun and the brilliant heat that emanates from the constant explosion of hydrogen set at a distance of 93 million miles from the earth. This means bugs have a purpose. And aardvarks were chiseled out to look like they do for a reason.

Wisdom means that everything fits. What God made, has a purpose and a fit.

We need to know this for two basic reasons. One, this means that we can trust what God made and appropriately, wisely make use of the gifts he gives us: avocados, eggs, walnuts, crude oil, coal, sun, wind, trees, minerals, gems and more. By wisdom the LORD formed the earth. He offers wisdom to us in how to properly manage the earth (Genesis 1:27-30).

This means that we can be wise in the stewardship of time, talents and treasures which are gifted to us by God our Creator. Or we can be fools and misuse or misunderstand the purpose for the things of the earth. How do we seek to be wise? The book of Proverbs offers us a collection of God’s insights for life. And they all start with a sound reflection of the Creator. What is our relationship with the LORD God? On that answer, wisdom can be built: “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding” (Proverbs 9:10).

As we start down the path of humbly recognizing the wisdom and authority of our LORD God, the Creator, our respect, fear and awe of God will grow and mature. This is the beginning or the foundation of wisdom. Let us pursue such wisdom.

Allen Schleusener